1、Design and Realization of OAS Work Flow Based on Lotus Notes
2、Do oas I requested, and I will take all the responsibility.
3、OAS supports encryption at tablespace level and at column level.
4、Research on University Campus OAS Based on Notes6
5、The Research of OAS and GIS System Integration Based on Middleware
6、XML Application in Intelligent Building OAS Based on Web
7、The OAS set up an investigative committee.
8、Oh, I just guess you a OAS member.

1、Economy is one powerful motive for camtoothache造句
1、Henry got a toothache and asked to bestrangled造句
1、She strangled before she was taken tocoronation造句
1、The coronation was an occasion for extby mistake造句
1、This damage is caused by mistake at tiput out造句
1、After three months we put out to sea itickler造句
1、You can also use a tickler file to supcontravention造句
1、In contravention of the principles oftokio造句
1、The country has exported pop ACTS likemongoose造句
1、Mongoose is not standing there to welcdiadem造句
1、The diadem is the symbol of royalty.王冠piebald造句
1、Note a perfect piebald is preferable ainstance造句
1、The data model is an instance (a templcarcinogenicity造句
1、Also includes short and long-term carchydro造句
1、Study of comfort of engineering vehiclmeasurement error造句
1、The reasons of measurement error are aSee you later造句
1、I'm with the skater boy. I said see yocancellation造句
1、Cancellation due to inclement weatherhonors造句
1、In addition to Honors field service peparanoiac造句
1、Pride and prejudice are attributed to