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n. 监狱, 收容所, 教养所, 宗教裁判所a. 用作感化的, 应处监禁的, 教养所的, 收容所的【法】 教养所, 妓女收容所, 州监狱 详情

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1、Many such countries have been loth toIsabel造句
1、Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: "Iextractive造句
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1、Put money into a piggy bank that has tabnegate造句
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1、Indent — Specify whether the generatedmariner造句
1、The old mariner liked to yarn about hidraw up a contract造句
1、I know we should draw up a contract andevelopment造句
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1、Mike: I knew that - I just said the muwhitener造句
1、Research of Synthetic Process of Fluor