1、In the transection section, the area of secondary phloem is much larger than secondary xylem.
2、In the bark of tapped trees, the thickness of the conducting phloem is less than 1 mm.
3、Phloem elements and adjacent tissues are the principal feeding sites for most aphids.
4、The vascular bundle consists of vascular bundle sheath, xylem, phloem and big parenchymatous cells.
5、Determination of Odorant in Phloem of Picea abies Karst Young Sapling
6、There were phloem fiber bundle of stem outside vascular bundles.
7、The crystalloid clusters exist in the cortex, phloem parenchyma and pith cells.
8、There are more developed phloem fiber and many albumin cells surround the phloem.
9、Primary phloem PHLOEM derived from the procambium in the young plant.
10、The abortion of companion cell of phloem of anther connective vascular bundle.
11、The secondary phloem consisted of sieve cells and phloem parenchymas.
n. 韧皮部【医】 韧皮部 详情

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1、He fashioned a walking stick for his fbuilt up造句
1、The army has built up to its wartime sprop up造句
1、We had to prop up the roof with a woodkendal造句
1、Kendal took him into the house. In thewell-appointed造句
1、I would not have been surprised to finmatured造句
1、At present, it is basically matured tobases造句
1、Keep bases to a minimum, but give themimmediate access造句
1、Figure 17 shows the sample job, whichwild goose造句
1、Peter:No. It was a wild goose chase.彼得territoriality造句
1、You need to stay away from the appearayouthful造句
1、It helps keep youthful elasticity in treordering造句
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1、Suddenly the church clock struck twelvbus driver造句
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1、They post slake Internet video to the