piston rod造句
1、Dye-penetrant testing of the disc trunnions and piston rod heads.
2、Piston rod is an important part of engineer within car, tractor and motorcycle.
3、The high strength steel piston rod has a ground, polished, and chrome plated surface.
4、Replace piston rod and add flow passage on piston rod.
5、SPOILER is installed on the piston rod of each servo-control.
6、Worn crankcase piston rod seals.
piston rod翻译
【化】 活塞杆 详情0
1、Objective: To explore pathogenesis andzip up造句
1、Will you zip up my dress?把我衣服的拉链拉上去好吗?anaphase造句
1、The overall result of this is the losscomplex number造句
1、The pattern solution of the plane moticooing造句
1、It sounds as though you were lanmentincerebrospinal造句
1、The increase in cerebrospinal fluid wstrain relief造句
1、Molded strain relief boot from the cabreelection造句
1、There's a big inflation before RichardNPD造句
1、The November sales figures from NPD praccess object造句
1、Listing 4 shows a class data access obadequate造句
1、to suffer from want of adequate care缺乏wanderer造句
1、The wanderer has to sleep rough.这个流浪汉到bolted造句
1、The various parts of the car are bolteovertime work造句
1、He often did overtime work and was welsteganography造句
1、Steganography is a new technology in tcity center造句
1、About half of its city center will beparish造句
1、Family, school, and the parish play imnumerical control machine造句
1、Numerical control machine is an importovereating造句
1、Habitual overeating had distended thebelow par造句
1、I was feeling a little below par this