1、He's the great pitchman who starred in commercials for cleaning products, and he died Sunday.
2、Television product pitchman Billy Mays is being remembered as a pop culture icon.
3、Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.
n. 摊贩 详情

1、The Influence of PSS on Power System Dfarting造句
1、He replied that it was because my fartunder the aegis of造句
1、It came under the aegis of the UGC ineke out造句
1、The crew started to eke out there scanwhole meal造句
1、She conjured up a whole meal in a jiffmoney-market造句
1、Money-market funds, like banks, mightcome to an understanding造句
1、Please come to an understanding beforedished造句
1、The result shows that the former is ththermometry造句
1、The principle of knife-edge thermometrconveyer belt造句
1、From conveyer belt producer type produavogadro造句
1、So now we know the Avogadro number andfixing造句
1、Fixing it is as simple as the phone cameasureless造句
1、Surrounded, detached, in measureless ogab造句
1、Jack's gift of the gab helped him getwelter造句
1、to welter in sin陷于罪恶的渊薮之中2、the unled oexploited造句
1、When they raided his house, they exploat full tilt造句
1、When we play happily, a child threw atprogeny造句
1、A radon progeny continuous monitor wastrek造句
1、My boots were punished by our long treunpainted造句
1、Its huge boxy buildings are aggressive