1、Was Pythagoras the real author of the Hippocratic oath?
2、Pythagoras is my friend in these days.
3、When we think of ancient mathematics, the first names that come to mind are Pythagoras and Euclid.
4、of or relating to Pythagoras or his geometry.
5、Can you really ask what reason Pythagoras had for abstaining from flesh?
6、Under the influence of Pythagoras and Xenophanes, Parmenides proposes his theory about "Being".
7、One way to fix this is to re-introduce Pythagoras to help us.
8、Also here the angles are known so Pythagoras is helping me again.
9、Of course we cannot tell exactly from whence Pythagoras and Plato got these ideas.
10、The word theorii appeared in the time of Pythagoras meaning "the beauty of knowledge".
理论“这个词出现在毕达哥拉斯时代,意译是“美丽的知识”(希罗多德, 484BC-425BC)。
n. 毕达哥拉斯 详情

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