rush through造句
1、I'll rush through for you. You can pick it up tomorrow afternoon.
2、Hurry is the death of prayer. If you rush through all your prayers, it will kill your prayer life.
3、The bittersweet emotions that rush through your body on the very last day of high school.
4、There's no need to rush through these stages, no need to go jumping through hoops.
5、Finally, if we do not rush through life, we will have more time to enjoy the things that we do.
6、It was my last G-8 summit, and I was sorry to rush through it to get back to Camp David.
这是我最后一次参加八 * 会,为赶回戴维营而匆匆参与这次大会不免让我有些遗憾。
7、It's a common mistake when trying to rush through a script to skim over the scene descriptions.
8、They were trying to rush through the autumn ploughing before the frost.
your account造句
1、Please write your account number on thsynchronise造句
1、The apps will synchronise with your ipAPPLE computer造句
1、They'd receive an Apple computer as pamike造句
1、Mike must have grassed on us.麦克一定告发了我们stodgy造句
1、Fatt face is result of stodgy comfortcat scan造句
1、You wouldn't have had the CAT scan tharoomed造句
1、She and Nancy roomed together at colleparsons造句
1、The winner gets the opportunity to godisinfectant造句
1、The dosage of neutralizer is closely rrehash造句
1、The series of speeches on the economyat worst造句
1、This policy, they say, is at best confjukebox造句
1、Let's see what happens when I create aunloaded造句
1、He unloaded his anger on his wife.他向妻子cairngorm造句
1、This paradigm breaks in Cairngorm formanservant造句
1、a manservant who acts as a personal atslicker造句
1、Perhaps for that reason Spurs initialllineage造句
1、Data lineage to understand where datacome by造句
1、They have come by overnight train fromtwenty-first造句
1、It's fragmented, and it's ill-suited tfrench toast造句
1、Ruth turned stale bread into French to