1、A strategy of shotgun antisense gene silencing was used to generate a rice mutant library.
2、I held on to my shotgun as moral support.
3、They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.
4、Broken target: A shotgun target that falls apart before being fired upon
5、a light shotgun used for fowling
一种用来捕鸟的轻型 * 。
6、Mr Obama will find it hard to resist pressure for a shotgun marriage to Mrs Clinton.
7、A sailor carrying a sawn-off shotgun was arrested in Los Angeles.
一位携带着锯短的 * 的水手在洛杉矶被捕。
8、Real shotgun blasts scared us all to our knees where we begged God for salvation.
9、The range of a modern shotgun is about 50 yards (45 m)
10、Anthony died from a shotgun blast to the face.
11、Lost: The description for a shotgun target that has not been hit
12、He went out with an unlicensed shotgun to look for the intruders.
他带着一把没有执照的 * 枪出去寻找闯入者。
13、How are you able to empty a shotgun in the person and it's not murder?
14、It looks like it's a shotgun marriage for those two.
15、It's a shotgun wedding.
16、This is a shotgun wedding
17、They are going to have shotgun marriage next week。
18、The best practical example of this is the shotgun gene sequencing by J. Craig Venter.
最好的实践例子就是:J .Craig Venter的鸟枪基因序列。
19、He kept a primed shotgun in his office.
他在办公室放了一杆装好 * 的 * 猎枪。
20、He always rides shotgun and pays attention to road conditions ahead.
21、You might think of it as a targeted shotgun of randomness instead of a bomb of it.
22、A shotgun leans against the table
23、The coalition government was obviously a shotgun wedding
24、Without a shotgun you cannot drive away the wolves and jackals
25、Hit: A shotgun target that has been struck and broken by the shooter
26、A large lead shot for shotgun shells, used especially in hunting big game
大号 * 猎枪用的大 * ,尤其是用于射击大的猎物中
27、It was a shotgun weeding and they were not in love
28、Compiles all Ruby code into instructions which the shotgun VM runs - currently with a.
将所有的Ruby代码转换成shotgun虚拟机所执行的指令(op _ codes)——目前通过op _ code解释器执行。
29、A similar piece of ammunition, such as a shotgun shell
类似的 * ,如猎 *
30、The shotgun is a better anti-zombie strategy than cremation.
相比火, * 是更好的打僵尸武器。
n. * 猎枪, 媒人vt. 用猎枪射击vi. 用猎枪射击 详情

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