1、The hunters had read about him and, spotting the yellow collar, figured it must be Frankie.
猎人们读过有关它的报道, 看到黄脖圈,断定它就是弗兰基。
2、She has noticed occasional spotting of blood between periods.
3、A car ran past, spotting my coat with mud
一辆汽车驶过, 给我的外衣溅上了泥点。
4、Spotting the opportunity, EI is going into the Indian dairy business.
EI 发现了这一机遇,正进入印度奶制品行业。
5、Ore spotting and pit supervision, to minimize ore loss and dilution.
6、Almost as worrying is the way Catalonia overshot, with Madrid late in spotting the problem.
由于马德里问题发现的迟了,称加泰罗尼亚地区性告急不为过。 我的理解:这句话在理解上似乎有些偏差。
7、In a people business, spotting and developing good people is an important skill.
8、Zbik calls on parents to be vigilant in spotting these talents.
9、And the rare spotting of a cougar, Wolf or woodland caribou takes our breath away.
10、Spotting problems early enables them to be addressed earlier, potentially saving the program.
11、"Text spotting is hard because text is a such a variable thing," said Newman.
12、You have a good eye for spotting hypocrisy
13、You know there were some, but your attention was drawn to spotting only red cars.
14、He didn't get much further than the first line of her cover letter before spotting the problem.
15、With a little practice, you can become quite fast at spotting any problems on your servers.
16、But models that ignored finance had little chance of spotting a calamity that stemmed from it.
17、The mystery hero immediately alerted police after spotting a bomb.
那个不知名的英雄发觉 * 后马上报了警。
18、Nearby Kaikoura, north of Christchurch, is a top location for spotting whales and dolphins.
19、Alchemists also became expert at spotting cases of fraud.
20、There is also an artillery spotting radar and a weather radar.
21、I don't just mean spotting the mess around you or recognizing which things which are out of place.
22、Spotting an opportunity, EI is going into the Indian dairy business.
23、If these particles really can combust spontaneously, LBNF stands a fair chance of spotting it.
24、Spotting prey, the customary crowd of hustlers and touts swarmed around, jostling for my business.
25、The D camera eyepiece is attached to the spotting scope instead of a standard observation eyepiece.
26、A Sydney resident brought the bird to the zoo after spotting dogs chasing her along the ground.
27、A horse ran past, spotting my coat with mud
28、Spotting a doomed bank, it seems, may only be possible once it is going to hell.
29、Two skills will be particularly useful: spotting the gems in the rubble, and timing.
30、the act of spotting or staining something.

1、Dictionary use research is one of themarketer造句
1、Every venture capitalist, Web publishebacklash造句
1、They expect a regulatory backlash thatone-tenth造句
1、At one-tenth Earth's mass, Mars was totreaty造句
1、Treaty of non-Aggression Between Soviecount up造句
1、Count up the figures, will you?把这些数字加起derision造句
1、We are objects of reproach to our neigoverestimation造句
1、This led to an overestimation of whatsquare造句
1、He’s dealt fair and square with us.他公正laying on造句
1、Really, the Spring Rabbit who was layibassinet造句
1、A playpen for assembling with at leastplasm造句
1、Objective: To probe the relativity ofcookie造句
1、Cookie remedies the non-state flaw ofcampaigner造句
1、The campaigner against ethanol subsidigable造句
1、an extension of a gable that serves assupposed造句
1、Where am I supposed to pay the excesssee light造句
1、Now I begin to see light on their goodgoblin造句
1、What the hell? That goblin was gonna knectarine造句
1、Aromas of lifted stone fruits and fresembark on造句
1、My brunch over, I could embark on my e