square mile造句
1、Ice-class tugboat “Nevskaya Zastava”molasses造句
1、The residue of distillation apparatusfamily therapy造句
1、But the teenagers who had family theraamenable造句
1、He is proud that his wife is amenablemislead造句
1、a tale calculated to mislead us蓄意使我们误解native speaker造句
1、I can easily find a native speaker tutsatiric造句
1、In 1726, he wrote and published his grmonorail造句
1、MonoRail was improved greatly with thebleu造句
1、He was wearing a sleeveless vest, cottgarment industry造句
1、Here we take a look at a garment induswellington造句
1、Owen recognized that the Wellington cavain造句
1、He tried in vain to push through the cunbranched造句
1、a tree with an unbranched trunk树干上没有分支legal representative造句
1、The employer's name, residence, legalaudiology造句
1、He has strong interests in audiology sworkmanlike造句
1、This was proof, said the White House,innovative造句
1、Creatively combining treatment with thwork load造句
1、When the tasks are assigned to owners,culpability造句
1、As if the estrangement between them haformal method造句
1、In facts SSM is a practical, intuitive