1、The basic ingredient of the mixture is liquid thiokol.
2、It is shown that the Thiokol has a stable performance and reliable quality
3、The Thiokol has been used in space-borne infrared optical systems and electron-electrical systems.
【化】 聚硫橡胶 详情

1、The privy took proceedings against theheatedly造句
1、These are highlight problems that arelest造句
1、I fear lest the rumor may be true.我担心谢oiliness造句
1、The finish is a touch too matte for myjump造句
1、You made a bad mistake on that jump shsoccer player造句
1、Lionel Messi is the best pound-for-pouconsequently造句
1、They had children and were consequentlannotator造句
1、Each annotator implements one specificcutting-edge造句
1、The resultant sound is somehow both cupositiveness造句
1、The negative person must grow in positmade-up造句
1、A made-up package.包装好的包裹2、a made-up miclimactic造句
1、He is in the climactic moments of hiswater meter造句
1、The Design and Implementation of Smartfactor in造句
1、The major factor in the decision to stCaliban造句
1、The rage of Caliban seeing his own facsubtotal造句
1、Change the datatype of the Subtotal anbat out造句
1、The motor cyclist has gone like a batbe seated造句
1、Please, everyone be seated and hold yoreaffirm造句
1、Watch "a Christmas Carol" on Christmasexclusion principle造句
1、The exclusion principle is a statement