1、The stability of our relations is much like the stability of a three-legged stool.
2、Figure 1 shows the typical three-legged OAuth dance.
图1显示了典型的three - leggedOAuth dance。
3、a three-legged metal stand for supporting a cooking vessel in a hearth
4、A three-legged object, such as a caldron, stool, or table
5、An adjustable three-legged stand, as for supporting a transit or camera
6、Only two police officers and Manuela, a three-legged dog, keep watch outside.
7、Suddenly, she came upon a little three-legged table.
8、Per the Numbers in the figure above, when the OAuth three-legged handshake starts.
依照上图编号,当OAuththree - legged握手启动时。
9、A three-legged object, such as a caldron, stool, or table.
10、Two years later, the three-legged competitor placed seventh out of 28 dogs.
11、The Chapman lighthouse, a three-legged thing erect on a mudbank, shone strongly.
12、Anna and Vera entered for a three-legged race
13、Then sitting down on a three-legged stool, he kindled a bright fire.
14、a three-legged stand used for support
a. 三条腿的 详情

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