1、Several years later, the boy tours tiredly returns, also arrives at tree's side.
2、The girls were leaning forward tiredly in the saddle but all had to keep moving.
3、He turned and gazed tiredly into the full-length mirror across the room.
out of bounds造句
1、For the last few days the area has beeget hot造句
1、Where can I get hot coffee or tea?我可以到latter造句
1、The latter is an ancient hand weapon twaite造句
1、Waite spent his life on a spiritual quplacement造句
1、Using a simple hash over the OID, eachnuclear power station造句
1、Steam rises from the cooling towers ofwoodland造句
1、Paths of bark chippings will help to gelectromotor造句
1、Study on welding technics of electromofleecy造句
1、Dear little lambs in your fleecy fold.parathyroid造句
1、Parathyroid glands with a part of theadjustive造句
1、(of a trait or condition) failing to speeping tom造句
1、The neighbors saw a Peeping Tom last ngraveyard造句
1、I walk through the graveyard entrance,adjudication造句
1、Thoughts on Independent Adjudication Sbart造句
1、Bart was pleased by the felicitousnessgive way造句
1、No, Fernand, you will not thus give wacutlet造句
1、But the torta de milanesa de res—or brhyperchromatic造句
1、However the neoplastic cells show pleovdu造句
1、Other causes of migraine are VDU screead agency造句
1、The new U.S. AD campaign was designed