1、It loads 18-bit unsigned values, which is the perfect size for local store addresses on the PS3.
它加载的是18位的无符号值,这是PS 3上的本地存储地址的首选大小。
2、Let's begin with an unsigned plug-in.
3、Next, sign the unsigned application using the jarsigner tool, which is part of the JDK.
4、Each score should be translated to its appropriate unsigned byte-code.
每个分数需要转换成合适的无符号字节码(unsigned byte - code)。
5、Exporting an unsigned application.
6、Misc Unsigned Bands. 21 Lies - Bass Song.
7、An unsigned integer and the result of the sizeof operator.
这是一个无符号整型,是执行size of操作的结果。
8、Use unsigned types only when you need modulo arithmetic or very very large Numbers.
9、A brief, unsigned diplomatic communication
10、WORD A 16-bit unsigned integer
11、First, I would say don't write new IDL definitions with unsigned integers.
12、If you need more, read the data in as a stream of unsigned char objects and do the math.
13、This is true for unsigned short, unsigned long, and unsigned long long.
对于unsignedshort , unsignedlong ,以及 unsigned long long 来说也是这样。
14、These shifts can be avoided by using int and unsigned int for local variables.
这些移位操作可以通过使用int和unsigned int的局部变量来避免。
15、A CCSID is a 16-bit unsigned integer that uniquely identifies a particular code page.
16、Unsigned short sem_num;.
unsigned short sem_num;(信号量个数)。
17、All these integer types also have corresponding unsigned types.
18、The mantissa is basically a 23-bit unsigned integer - simple enough.
19、The unsigned painting was wrongly attributed to Raphael.
20、A sample form with an unsigned signature is provided in the Download section.
21、After the download, you'll get a warning saying that you're about to install an unsigned feature.
22、You can export an unsigned version of your application that you must manually sign.
23、Similarly, the values of the seconds component allows an arbitrary unsigned xs: decimal.
24、The problem arises when passing the sum of signed and unsigned ints as long.
在将有符号整型和无符号整型的和作为long 类型传递时就会出现问题。
25、Note that the pointer you used is declared an unsigned long long rather than just a pointer.
注意所使用的指针被声明为unsigned long long 而非指针。
26、If you must multiply, cast to an unsigned short before multiplying.
27、Export an unsigned version of the application that you must manually sign.
28、I received an unsigned letter dated form May 5th,1972.
29、Ensure that an unsigned int is used where appropriate to prevent sign extension.
30、I suppose that to a large extent I am the unsigned manuscript of the high school teacher.
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