1、When you fetch an object from the server, the USN is also fetched and brought to the client side.
2、Each domain controller maintains a USN that is specific to that domain controller.
3、In such cases, the USN value has a special value that signals the CE server to skip the USN check.
在这些情况中,US n值有一个表示CE服务器跳过usn检查的特殊值。
4、USN rollback can occur because these tombstoned objects don't hang around indefinitely.
5、But this is not the only way that a DC's USN can be incremented.
6、If you later fetch or refresh any properties from the server, the current USN is obtained as well.
7、Actually, the CE progression pattern for USN is only vaguely specified.
8、The incrementing of the USN is not, strictly speaking, under your control.
9、Results 55 cases 39.85 % of USN were found in 138 patients with stroke.
结果 138例脑中风患者发生单侧空间忽略者 5 5例 ,占 39.85 %。
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