close at hand造句
1、You might be surprised at how close at hand that magic potion is!
你可能会惊讶于如何收手, * 汤是!
2、Other technologies incorporated by the architects that may be close at hand include robotics.
3、We convene each day to discuss matters close at hand about all that is transpiring on your planet.
1、He pushed open the front door, which slittle brother造句
1、My little brother is building sandcastexpense account造句
1、Your expense account should not be usereal bargain造句
1、That car is a real bargain at300那辆汽车30creative thinking造句
1、I also teach creative thinking at thestevens造句
1、Stevens has a birth certificate, sociaamylase造句
1、The compatibility of amylase and pectirecrystallized造句
1、The product was recrystallized by non-benzoyl造句
1、But benzoyl peroxide dries out skin caatherosclerosis造句
1、The apoptosis of smooth muscle cells wunmounted造句
1、It's unmounted and then compressed usiwimple造句
1、Never can one find a single wimple onfrequency造句
1、You could always adjust the intensityultrasonics造句
1、A liquid atomizing nozzle utilizing thdig into造句
1、In Part 3, we'll dig into one very spehindustan造句
1、of or relating to or characteristic ofbeefed-up造句
1、The tablet will likely have a beefed-uidiomatic造句
1、This is an example of what I refer tocatastrophe造句
1、The flood was a terrible catastrophe imaterial handling造句
1、But there's more to material handling