1、Now compare this with Paul, keep your finger in Colossians and go back to Romans 6.
2、And Ephesians is written by another disciple of Paul using Colossians and Paul's letters as models.
3、The two that are the most debated probably now are Colossians and Ephesians.
4、In Colossians and Ephesians there is clearly a patriarchal household structure that's hierarchical.
5、What I think is that Colossians was written by one disciple of Paul.
6、Ephesians is round, full, rhythmical; Colossians more pointed, logical and concise.
7、Let's start with Colossians now, what is the issue in Colossians?
8、Why does Colossians come after Ephesians in the Canon?
9、Another major difference is Colossians and Ephesians have a slightly higher Christology.
10、We read in Colossians that Christ is "the firstborn over all creation." What does this mean?
11、Now if you thought that Colossians sentence was long, listen to this one.
12、Whereas the writer of Colossians doesn't include that.
13、Paul in his letter to the Colossians sets forth the rich blessings granted to the children of God.

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