1、And how did we get the new icon of mass consumerism in his place?
2、Deplored the rampant consumerism of contemporary society.
3、Yep, it's the holiday season again, and with it comes the worst season for consumerism ever.
4、In a world preoccupied with consumerism and petty self-interest, that gives life dignity.
5、The children who were spoon-fed consumerism have discovered that the years of excess are over.
6、Consumerism makes people covet everything.
7、You don't need consumerism to be very happy - in fact, I'd argue that life is better without it.
8、Consumerism begets more consumerism, right?
9、A love for living well without getting sucked into consumerism and keeping up with expectations.
10、I’ve mentioned consumerism a few times now and I think I should say a few words about it.
我在文章中多次提到消费至上主义,所以我想我应该对此做出一些解释。 首先,我要从我并不支持消费至上主义这一点说起。
n. 保护消费者利益运动 详情猜你喜欢
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