1、But again, this requires an active and discursive attitude, and practice.
2、He is a discursive person.
3、English Lounge is a discursive and aesthetic space of words and journeys.
4、In one side, the emerging of performance art needs the presence of discursive concept.
5、Mode of discourse representation and news sources are examined at the discursive level.
a. 离题的, 东拉西扯的 详情0
1、Somatostatin receptors are highly expmensch造句
1、A mensch is someone who is a refined ablock造句
1、He walked down his block and saw a CDbandwagon造句
1、When we an decided to vote for Bill, semotive造句
1、This video is dedicated to a very beauquiet造句
1、The port is quiet and unspoiled.这个港口很安cool造句
1、China's attempts to cool its overheatediagonally造句
1、If you remove two diagonally oppositeadjacent造句
1、(golf) adjacent to a putting green(高尔夫scandinavian造句
1、The typical Scandinavian hotel breakfauntitled造句
1、The composition of blue and white in Ugluten-free diet造句
1、A gluten-free diet is recommended forparasympathetic造句
1、Yoga activities the parasympathetic neregrets造句
1、He also regrets that the local distribtape-record造句
1、tape-record a speech把演讲录音下来2、Next, reawads造句
1、Wads of cash and boots on the ground acare造句
1、I really care for that dog.我真的喜欢那条狗。2、www造句
1、Based-on WWW Java hypermedia retrievelittle brother造句
1、My little brother is building sandcastworthlessness造句
1、He's the best physician that knows the