1、I was doggone tired!
iwas doggone tired !累死了。
2、Why does everything have to be so doggone clean?!
干嘛什么都要弄得这么干净? !
3、Because I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me.
4、I got another doggone traffic ticket.
5、That was a doggone insult.
a. 可憎的, 可恶的ad. 极端地, 非常地interj. 畜生, * 详情0
Security Management造句
1、Immunity and study process of networknobleman造句
1、A nobleman ranking below an earl or aengine block造句
1、Engine block is one of the key componechildbearing造句
1、V. Satisfying the Reproductive Healthclockwise rotation造句
1、Two adjustable powerBlock clockwise rothumbnail造句
1、If you then choose only the user optioyunnan province造句
1、A journalist from yunnan province paidcrunched造句
1、I crunched across the gravel to the frinspect造句
1、They inspect the damage to the car winair-drop造句
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1、Their Progenitor was a Siberian shamanwhitefish造句
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1、Its wine production is a miserable one