1、This is after a bomb exploded on a minibus taking people to work
事件发生在一辆公车 * 以后。
2、The firework exploded in a shower of sparks
3、Steam pressure exploded the boiler.
蒸汽的压力使锅炉 * 了。
4、But in the last 20 years, the problem has exploded thanks to the spread of prenatal scans.
5、The plot backfired (on the terrorist) when the bomb exploded too soon.
由於 * 过早 * , ( * 的)阴谋未能得逞.
6、The overseer 's eyes exploded with delight.
7、A bomb exploded and I got lost in the ensuing confusion
* * 后,跟着是一片混乱,使我不知所措。
8、It is hardly surprising that the dispossessed finally exploded in fury.
这是不足为奇的无依无靠终于在愤怒 * 。
9、My neighbor exploded in rage at the trespassers.
10、He was killed while trying to defuse a roadside bomb that exploded on him
他在努力卸除在他身上 * 的一枚路旁 * 的引信时被杀死。
11、According to observers, the plane exploded shortly after take-off.
据目击者说,飞机起飞后不久就 * 了。
12、The conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist.
13、This morning a bomb in a garbage bag exploded and injured 15 people.
今天早上一颗放在垃圾袋中的 * * ,炸伤15人。
14、Electricity privatization has exploded the myth of cheap nuclear power.
15、But it has exploded in popularity, as this stage is the most vulnerable for the mayfly.
但 * 的人气,作为现阶段最脆弱的蜉蝣。
16、A bomb exploded at an army recruiting office.
一枚 * 在一个征兵办公室 * 了。
17、The second reaction consists of nucleation pregnant and exploded reaction stages.
18、How would you like to go with a girl | who exploded in anger | at the least little thing?
19、A bomb exploded in a hotel, killing six people and wounding another five.
一颗 * 在一家旅馆 * ,致6人死亡、另5人受伤。
20、And, at least three cluster munitions exploded over the city of Misrata.
至少有三枚集束弹在米苏拉塔市 * 。
21、All repair procedures are supported by detailed specifications, exploded views, and photographs.
所有维修程序均附有详细的规格, * 图和照片,以作支持。
22、There was a huge bang as if someone had exploded a rocket outside.
23、The boss exploded when he heard of the resignation of the secretary.
24、They escaped from the exploded spot, running around like mad.
他们像疯子一样四处奔跑,逃离了 * 现场。
25、The argument was exploded by the 18 th century philosopher Immanuel Kant.
26、Thunder exploded overhead.
27、The soldier exploded a bomb
战士使一颗 * * 了。
28、A bomb planted in a dustbin exploded early today.
一枚安置在一个垃圾桶内的 * 今天清早 * 了。
29、The psychic energy exploded in a flash of creation.
心灵的能量在一种创造的闪光中 * 了。
30、A powerful device exploded outside the station.
一枚威力巨大的 * 在车站外 * 了。
a. * 了的, 分解的, 被破除的, 被戳穿的 详情

1、The economy of the country fairs and thave a ball造句
1、I will have a ball team of my own.我想有自tylenol造句
1、The latest recall, announced Monday, cfinning造句
1、The sharks were finning near the surfaemployment agency造句
1、I called the employment agency for a jfinish machining造句
1、The adjustment, clamping and machiningbraille造句
1、The tactile mouse costs $695, rather tforeign policy造句
1、On Australian Foreign Policy toward Chclockwise造句
1、Turn the lid clockwise if you want toerror message造句
1、A simple error message if the requestboiled造句
1、His first kill was a lobster, which hebraiding造句
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1、It is the westernmost city in China. Iplane graph造句
1、A plane graph together with the set ofalchemist造句
1、An alchemist of German legend who soldent造句
1、Management of IVI Configuration File ilaid up造句
1、That ship is laid up for repairs.那船已入坞somalia造句
1、The Somalia of the past is gone. The s