first step造句
1、Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger.
2、The first step for xml2sql is to create a "Pythonic" object using xml_objectify.
xml2s ql的第一步是使用xml_objectify创建一个“python化”的对象。
3、As a first step will you please make your claim on the enclosed form
4、The first step toward an improvement of western transportation was the construction of turnpikes.
5、You first step through the file line by line using the readline method.
6、Know yourself! This is the first step towards success.
7、The first step of the trial was to go to the forest and get ten pieces of the same kind of fruit.
8、As noted, the first step in the actual job search process is to discover what is you want to do.
9、The first step to stop drug abuse is knowing why people start to use drugs.
10、This is a first step towards political union.
11、The first step taken by the new MD is to analyse all the expenses.
12、The first step in the design strategy is to write a generalized document handler.
13、Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.
14、Metaplasia is not a normal physiologic process and may be the first step toward neoplasia.
15、Discontent is the first step of progress.
16、Recently, I took a first step toward getting my music collection back in order.
17、The first step is to download the Globalize plugin itself.
18、I noticed when I took my first step inside. I bumped my head on the doorframe.
19、The first step to reshaping any body is to design a Body Blueprint or individual development plan.
对任何身体塑形的第一个步骤是设计一个身体蓝图(Body Blueprint)或者个人的开发计划。
20、The first step on the road has been butanol.
21、The first step is to prep for your slippery romp, says Ian Kerner, Ph.D., author of He Comes Next.
22、AP - Marcus Camby took the first step toward returning to his big season.
23、And now, we have a draft ly budget, the first step in our ly budgeting process.
24、Ans: Water baptism is the first step toward the witness of water.
25、My first step is to create accessor methods for each UI component, shown in Listing 2.
26、The first step in the process was to identify and agree upon a common data format.
27、A first step in working toward a goal
28、The first step is to define a J2C authentication alias.
29、Acceptance of the offer is the first step to a merger
30、The first step in service implementation design is to provision the services.
first step翻译
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