1、Ideograph Component Structure.
2、The component structure of each ideograph is examined.
3、Experimental Design of LCD Display of Chinese Ideograph and Store
4、Chinese characters are an ideograph different from the alphabetic writing.
n. 表意文字 详情0
1、Amu tightly curled Since a body that ldecommissioning造句
1、The expenses for decommissioning uranivariegated造句
1、TL variegated medium green and white,insensitivity造句
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1、It is easy for families to run out ofcompiled language造句
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1、If he comes in my backyard he'll go awhandwheel造句
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1、to establish a mapping (of mathematicarevitalized造句
1、I believe you will look refreshed andbubbly造句
1、She was bubbly and full of energy compdod造句
1、A Methodology of Engineering Architectamoeboid造句
1、The amoeboid phagocytes are unshaped,turbofan造句
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1、The control device then adjusts the litap water造句
1、The daily supply capacity of tap waterroom service造句
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