1、Implementation of IEEE 802.1x Protocol on WLAN AP
2、Application of IEEE 1588 in Real-Time Industrial Ethernet
IEEE 1588在实时工业以太网中的应用
3、Admission Control Based on IEEE 802.11e EDCA
基于IEEE 802.11e EDCA的接纳控制方案
4、A study of QoS of IEEE 80211e WLAN
5、Study on IEEE 802.11 WLAN and WLAN Design
6、Ieee_virtual_eth: a value of 1 informs the IVM that this adapter supports ieee 802.1q.
ieee _ virtual_eth:如果值为1,就通知IVM这个适配器支持ieee 802.1Q。
7、IEEE 754 represents floating point Numbers as base 2 decimal Numbers in scientific notation.
IEEE 754用科学记数法以底数为2的小数来表示浮点数。
8、The IEEE created a draft specification for RPR and is expected to ratify the standard this year.
9、It is simply a textual representation of the value according to the IEEE floating point standard.
10、TCP Performance Analysis and Enhancement of IEEE 802.11 WLAN
11、The "unified" memory device, outlined in the journal IEEE Computer, is still undergoing testing.
12、He is Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE ComSoc.
13、Dr Koomey's team published their results in IEEE Annals, an industry research journal.
14、Fast Ethernet won IEEE 8023 standards approval in a mere 13 months
快速以太网只用了十三个月就获得了IEEE 8023标准的批准。
15、The IEEE 802.16 standard is proposed as a world standard of BWA.
16、The layout of IEEE floating point values is shown in Figure 1.
17、It was introduced in the specification IEEE 1471.
在IEEE 1471规范中有详细介绍。
18、The definition I use in this article is that taken from IEEE Std.
本文中我所使用的定义来自于 IEEE Std.
19、Based on IEEE 802.16m, its speed was showcased on 1080p 3D and 16 1080p screens at the same time.
20、Quality requirements have many more attributes; see the IEEE guidelines for more information. 1.
21、Introduction of IEEE 802.11 and HiperLAN-2 WLAN Standards
22、She is also a senior IEEE member.
23、Long double IEEE double extended floating point exponent of 15 bits and signed fraction of 64 bits.
24、The IEEE defines architecture as.
25、A Bandwidth Scheduling Architecture for IEEE 80216 Wireless MAN in TDD Mode
一种用于IEEE 80216无线城域网TDD模式中的带宽调度方案
26、Performance and QoS of IEEE 802.11 MAC in WLANs
IEEE 802.11无线局域网MAC层性能及服务质量研究
27、SOAPpy, since version 0.10.3, depends on the IEEE 754 floating point handler package fpconst.
版本之后的SOAPpy还要依赖于IEEE 754浮点处理程序包fpconst(当前版本0.6.0)。
28、Research on Differentiation Mechanism in IEEE 802.11 WLAN
29、The Study of IEEE 802.11 Security Weakness Based on WLAN
30、The IEEE 80216 standard is proposed as a world standard of BWA
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