1、The invention relates to a long-acting emulsion-type antirust fluid used for metal rust prevention.
2、Albumin fusion technology was a novel technology utilized to develop long-acting biologics.
3、Levemir - Long-acting insulin analogue used as a basal insulin.
4、a long-acting barbiturate used as a sedative
5、This study lay the groundwork for the application of long-acting FSH agonists.
6、The long-acting formulation is injected once every 4 weeks.
7、When taking most long-acting forms of a medicine, each dose should be swallowed whole.
8、The levo-benzhydryl piperazine derivative is expected to become a long-acting effective medicine.
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1、Texas was ranked first and Arkansas sewishful thinking造句
1、But wishful thinking doesn't help us rpower point造句
1、Plug the microwave oven into a power pPDS造句
1、Study on Measurement of PDS Concentrathypnotherapy造句
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1、A woman employed to launder clothes orderision造句
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1、Well, you know, to raise animals for ffret造句
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1、Then, new wide area network clients ain cases造句
1、Even in cases where the OS/applicationperi造句
1、I know you are a busy perI appreciateoptimally造句
1、This testing requires highly specializsprinkle造句
1、Ya sprinkle 'em salt on it. Like fourwader造句
1、My dad always wears his wader and fish