1、An offensive term for a black nursemaid in the southern u. s...
2、an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern US
3、Like a nursemaid relieved of her duty.
4、You need Allies, and part of being a carer is being an ally, not a nursemaid or controller.
5、an offensive term for a Black nursemaid in the southern U.S..
n. 保姆 详情0
1、A hard-fought battle over environmentaindecision造句
1、Indecision drives me crazy.犹豫要把我逼疯了2、Morganizing ability造句
1、Her organizing ability is very great.她splenomegaly造句
1、Splenomegaly is almost constant.脾肿大几乎是geoffrey chaucer造句
1、Geoffrey Chaucer occupies a unique plafirepower造句
1、The artillery has more firepower thanactual delivery造句
1、The actual delivery may involve a serirear guard造句
1、make a rear guard for the procession为行hypochlorite造句
1、any hypochlorite of calcium; used as adiplopia造句
1、Secondary outcomes were evaluated withinitial letter造句
1、C is initial letter of canoes, so C-1thousandth造句
1、It was the thousandth business to go bannouncing造句
1、A poster announcing a theatrical perfoentrainment造句
1、For given solids and vessels the entrafeelings造句
1、So great are the doctors because theynigh造句
1、The potential for hydroelectricity ispreciously造句
1、I could not tell if she actually fellhigh pressure造句
1、Do your distillation under high pressuunction造句
1、But ye have an unction from the Holy Ophotoionization造句
1、The Photoionization Investigations of