overnight bag造句
1、He realized he'd left his overnight bag at Mary's house.
2、The next morning I drove back to the apartment to pack an overnight bag for the drive home.
3、I want to check these three pieces and I'll carry this overnight bag by myself.
1、This paper is about development of vangarmin造句
1、Works with the Garmin Heart Rate monitcocteau造句
1、In the Cocteau movie?谷克多电影里的?2、Eight dpug造句
1、Pug saw no reason not to relieve hickmcrowned造句
1、It has a long, softly curved Body, shosouthwestern united states造句
1、Largest and most dangerous North Ameriunveil造句
1、Collecting metrics may unveil certainas often as造句
1、He still raced sports cars as often asdes造句
1、A New Improvement Version of DES Cryptsteadfastly造句
1、But he steadfastly denied any intentiofront end造句
1、The graphical front end is built to suconcierge造句
1、We weren't supposed to leave the boat.prevalent造句
1、Still, as prevalent as LBS technologybe faced with造句
1、be faced with a serious struggle面临一场严峻put to it造句
1、I can tell you my mother's put to it tseek time造句
1、The full disk seek time is 7.4 millisefcc造句
1、Use of RAG -1 Catalyst in FCC Equipmencountervail造句
1、The cache can countervail server load.limes造句
1、Oranges, lemons and limes were found tscriptural造句
1、God is the author of the text, the cen