paper tiger造句
bad guy造句
1、I just love it when the bad guy is a kreentry造句
1、A space reentry vehicle that was armedbelieving造句
1、He erred in believing that I had saidsecurity force造句
1、head of a private security force workicrystal oscillator造句
1、The precise clock source is crystal osderogation造句
1、Serious injury refers to the all-aroundo it造句
1、I do not mind that, do it face South?这flapjack造句
1、This invention refers to a flapjack whfire engine造句
1、a fire engine carrying ladders一种带梯子的消防impression造句
1、My impression is that the Sertoli celluncompress造句
1、Download the package and uncompress itforlornly造句
1、It is stranded somewhat forlornly in tsister-in-law造句
1、My sister-in-law is pregnant.我嫂嫂怀孕了。2、aluminosilicate造句
1、Stable and transparent Er3+ doped alumbalance of trade造句
1、The favorable balance of trade means tfall back on造句
1、The public door ACL does not exist, soin length造句
1、Upper arm and scapula are approximatelmale造句
1、We fed male SD rats with high sucroseancient history造句
1、India and Nepal makes you feel an ancicapone造句
1、Capone was an underdog hero, a poor bo