solitary confinement造句
1、She had been held in solitary confinemeffigy造句
1、Archaeologists believe the effigy mounlooted造句
1、Nearly half the 15,000 pieces looted fobliquity造句
1、This paper introduces the applicationbaldy造句
1、I've climbed most of the peaks in theapple juice造句
1、We have apple juice and orange juice.direct marketing造句
1、Do you think direct marketing a form ouncovered造句
1、The hoax was uncovered last week by thie造句
1、You always look on the dark side of thconsuming造句
1、Overdraw will indicate how much of theart form造句
1、They say the corrida is an important acozy造句
1、We had a cozy chat by the fire我们在炉火边亲切readmission造句
1、He felt that more rigorous standards okitchen造句
1、The kitchen smelled strongly of fish.厨stodgy造句
1、Fatt face is result of stodgy comfortzebra造句
1、There isn't a zebra crossing.这里没有斑马线。2annually造句
1、The policy will be reviewed annually aBFP造句
1、BFP NPSH Check Calculation of Zhuhai Peulogize造句
1、I am not a poet, I can't use my beautilipoprotein造句
1、Nor is lipoprotein lipase the only mol