1、John took a round-the-world trip at his own expense
2、I'd love to go on a round-the-world cruise.
3、They're off on the first lap of their round-the-world tour.
4、The liner is making a round-the-world cruise
5、The liner is making a round-the-world cruise.
a. 环球的, 环游世界的 详情0
1、Clayton et al. developed criteria to tmollie造句
1、Mollie gave an uneasy little titter.莫莉scalability造句
1、At its core is a powerful J2EE enginesteam-powered造句
1、The steam-powered printing press was swalkout造句
1、The walkout Wednesday left the sessionlots of造句
1、Lots of women wear black as a solutionnot guilty造句
1、Even if he is not guilty of bad faith,half a dozen造句
1、Six of one, half a dozen the other,tthhard-bitten造句
1、He’s a hard-bitten old soldier.他是位坚强的老be confronted with造句
1、be confronted with numerous difficultihumanist造句
1、Tagore absorbs Humanist Thoughts fromletterman造句
1、I'm like, David Letterman is my boss.touch on造句
1、What I will allude to now are images tdescent造句
1、Some worry about a descent to Italiannon-recourse造句
1、How to manage debtor risks if it is astreaming造句
1、Other streaming services like Mogulusrelaunch造句
1、We can also have a watchdog script toclubbed造句
1、If you'd eaten one more, I wouldn't hahissing造句
1、a crackling or hissing noise cause bycybele造句
1、It may be noted that ceremonies in hon