1、He lives in Sardinia and many places in the world.
2、of or relating to or characteristic of Sardinia or its people.
3、ABSTRACT: Not only does Sardinia have sunshine and beach, it also has wonderful wines.
4、The island of Sardinia is home to some of the world's oldest people.
5、The other plan was to capture Sardinia and Corsica.
6、The five men boarded the flight from Sardinia to London.
7、Sardinia has worth representatives in other wines as well - or better to say - in other grapes too.
8、Sardinia was the first and the drivers, MINI and ourselves are really pleased with how it's gone.
9、Not only does Sardinia have sunshine and beach, it also has wonderful wines.
10、My first agile conference, XP2001, was held in Sardinia with a couple of hundred attendants.
11、Sardinia and Corsica lie on the flank of the long Italian boot.
n. 撒丁岛 详情猜你喜欢
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