1、The phenolic hydroxyl compounds usually have activity scavenging O -· 2.
酚羟基化合物往往具有清除O-·2 作用。
2、Finally the prospect of stratified scavenging is discussed.
3、It is revealed that the scavenging effects of AOB on·OH and RO.
结果显示,竹叶抗氧化物清除·OH和 RO.
4、But then one day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in.
5、make a comprehensive programme; scavenging scheme
6、Objective: To study on the scavenging effects of free radical by sea buckthorn wine.
7、The seaside fish market is a ready food supply for scavenging seabirds
8、These birds live by scavenging carrion.
9、That would have happened if, say, we were scavenging on the same carcass that hyenas were.
10、This means that running performance tests often involves scavenging for machines.
【化】 除气; 除气法; 清除的【医】 清除 详情猜你喜欢
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