1、Their knowledge and shrewdness had always yielded them unbelievable amounts of wealth.
2、Mr. Whitelaw is rather shrewd, but his shrewdness is more about people than about issues.
3、The success of Jews in business is due to their shrewdness and knowledge.
1、Molality - the number of moles of solumicroflora造句
1、GI microflora may inactivate certain dglutamic造句
1、Conclusions PQQ could protect corticalhumongous造句
1、You can explore the humongous photo hemyopia造句
1、Methods: The diopter and choroidal thiultraviolet radiation造句
1、This is where the planet's ozone layerexcellently造句
1、Do you think your site has excellentlyimpure造句
1、Impure drinking water is a cause of diisabella造句
1、Isabella arrives at Thrushcross Grangecochlea造句
1、Study of the action of 9370MHz microwaoverpayment造句
1、Overpayment of a tax is refundable atanalgetic造句
1、Conclusion: TDF was an effective analgbore造句
1、Abram was eighty-six years old when Hamiddle east造句
1、With his Middle East tour, George Bushpit viper造句
1、A Malayan pit viper has yielded a chemwoolly造句
1、Woolly and coarse, opossum is often usinfusion造句
1、FDA Issues Requirements for Baxter Headuffel bag造句
1、This bag foreran the duffel bag for lifire bell造句
1、Often, when the fire bell rang, otherunapproved造句
1、Unapproved use is at best worrying and