1、The crucial factor that silvan ecosystem degrades is forestry development intensity.
2、The environment be pregnant with here is worn substantial silvan natural resources.
3、The silvan panorama of large area is OK express in detail from inside a chart.
a. 森林的, 乡村的n. 林中精灵 详情0
1、I had no idea of the gaffe which I wasanionic造句
1、This study was performed to investigatdoer造句
1、The educationist Duan Lipei was a thinfour-way造句
1、The four-way valve releases oil pressuhook up造句
1、You can hook up the dress at the back.nonprofit造句
1、Would you like to start a nonprofit betensile造句
1、It has excellent resiliency, tensile snumbers造句
1、Trace point Numbers appear consecutivecheesed造句
1、I'm cheesed off with having to mow theget around造句
1、Yet this does not mean that America wiat most造句
1、I have looked at most of the availableduplicate key造句
1、He gave me a duplicate key of his houssensationally造句
1、The rape trial was sensationally halteauditory造句
1、Auditory Trainers or Wireless FM Heariguttural造句
1、To emit a low, guttural sound or utterbank draft造句
1、A bank draft is a convenient way of seendow with造句
1、To endow with the rights of citizenshionly when造句
1、These invisible duties become apparentrefreshed造句
1、The long sleep had refreshed her.一场酣睡使arteriole造句
1、The arteriole here has an "onion skin"