1、This week's euphoria assumed policymakers would manage to stave off economic trouble.
2、Maybe IGF-I supplement can stave off amyotrophy and caducity.
如果外源给予IGF I,可能可以延缓肌萎缩进展,延缓衰老。
3、It WAS Greece that let public spending rip, lied about it and is now trying to stave off default.
4、This will clean the blade, stave off rusting, and add weeks of shaving life.
5、There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep.
6、We shall stave it out, no matter how difficult it may be.
7、The Guiyang Evening News said the miners chewed coal to stave off their hunger pangs.
8、Though there were failures, too, it seemed as if good management could stave off the tragedy.
9、If 7 to 8 per cent growth is better, it will still not stave off a sharp increase in unemployment.
10、We'll never be able to stop beach erosion, we can only stave it off.
11、Some companies are coming up with creative solutions to stave off such predicaments.
一些公司则 * 了一些很富有创意性的方法来设法阻止这些事情的发生。
12、to stave off hunger/illness
13、It won't be pretty, but it could stave off some much uglier alternatives.
14、Acquiring patents is often used as a defense tactic to stave off lawsuits from competitors.
15、But one of Italy's biggest property companies, Risanamento, is fighting to stave off its creditors.
16、There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep. I'm simply not sleepy.
17、A nap will stave off fatigue
18、The body's weakened immune system and its inability to stave off infections are to blame.
19、Tom is the best player to stave off defeat for our team.
n. 狭板, 梯级, 棍棒, 诗句vt. 击穿, 弄破, 敲打, 赶走vi. 穿孔, 破碎相关词组: stave sth off 详情

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