1、During several decades, the monetary crisis successively broke out in a lot of countries.
2、Because of his good public image he have successively gained office.
3、Repeat this operation successively Shift-Clicking next ellipses and pressing Control + D.
4、He successively held the posts of brigade and army commander.
他历任旅长 、军长等职。
5、Repeat this pattern for each successively lower level of Packages.
6、This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and sculpture.
7、We built successively larger mail files by increasing the number of documents.
8、The Tajiks were successively ruled by Uzbeks and then Afghans until claimed by Russia in the 1860s.
9、Because of his good public image he has successively gained office.
10、Since then, Treasury futures and stock index futures successively show up.
11、Triassic is the oldest period of Mesozoic followed successively by Jurassic and Cretaceous Periods.
12、Both kinds of issues will be tackled in meetings at successively higher levels.
13、In the scorching summer day, eighty-seven enterprise of the two detectives were successively shot.
1、The third, the necessity and possibiliquick-witted造句
1、This is about the quick-witted story mfeel bad造句
1、I really feel bad about that.我为此实在感到很抱lithium carbonate造句
1、Lithium carbonate was more frequentlyblue造句
1、of the Cause for Uneven Dyeing with Hysheltered造句
1、Some categories of spending such as fomining造句
1、Implementation Of OLAP and Data Miningeverest造句
1、As the supreme point of the world, Mt.adhesive material造句
1、A small disk of adhesive material usedred meat造句
1、Other studies help explain why red winequally造句
1、If the 20th - century entertainment inpublic office造句
1、The senators then voted to bar Mr. Blaleaner造句
1、Second, the city can no longer affordyellow pages造句
1、If none of these are available, try thdespoiled造句
1、Museums have despoiled India of many pthat造句
1、The president said that Japan is now asolder造句
1、There is no need to field solder or tosubdivided造句
1、Or it can be subdivided into modular tdigestible造句
1、You need to communicate in easily digemouldable造句
1、The mouldable material sets to form a