1、Brainwashing didn't mean that they arearresting造句
1、It was bright and beautiful, an arrestacerbic造句
1、He sent back an acerbic letter.他回复了一封尖state-of-the-art造句
1、He tries his best to explain to clientsluice造句
1、In addition to the nine sluice gates.其stamped造句
1、A metal disk to be stamped as a coin;office hours造句
1、Office hours are from 9 am. to 5 pm.办公gooseflesh造句
1、Why, I've got gooseflesh this minute,optometry造句
1、The Adjstment of Dynamic Optometry andsword造句
1、Iranian smiths will never make a swordredrawing造句
1、The view starts by redrawing the toolbsqueaking造句
1、My feet took turns kicking at the thictheodore roosevelt造句
1、Theodore Roosevelt was preeminently apin money造句
1、And she had scarcely enough pin moneymasterpiece造句
1、a minor masterpiece saved from obliviochild abuse造句
1、Child abuse is a publishable offence iimperial system造句
1、I did not know if they used the metricfirst term造句
1、the first term in a proposition; the tert造句
1、Hw paid for her coc ert ticket, and shbaseball cap造句
1、I have a baseball cap with the Olympic