1、We will preserve for one month the other unselected photos, which will be deleted beyond the time.
2、Are you sure to delete the unselected email address files?
3、Background color for unselected text in the editing area.
4、Set the unselected color to #C8D7E3 using the color picker.
通过颜色选择器将未选中的颜色设置为 #C8D7E3。
5、Set the unselected font color as #293D6B using the color picker.
通过颜色选择器将未选中的字体颜色设置为 #293D6B。
6、Unselected groups will not be changed.
7、It included 6880 unselected patients, aged 65 and over, in 344 German primary care offices.
8、Notice how GWT support is unselected for this first simple example.
9、One of unselected action used for hardware button.
10、The user can select an item by moving it from the unselected list to the selected list.
11、To be useful in managing unselected patients, they need a specific validation.
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