wild rice造句
1、Exploitation of the Wild Rice Resources in the East Taihu Lake
2、Wild rice species are the important genetic resources in rice breeding.
3、Wild rice stem belongs to herb of marsh of gramineous vivacious perennial root.
4、Under the living pressure, wild rice was domesticated and there formed many rice culture areas.
5、The present invention discloses wild rice antifreeze gene and its coded protein and application.
6、The wild rice of female-sterile but male-fertile was found by us in 2007.
yellow pages造句
1、If none of these are available, try thtiptop造句
1、It's the tiptop honor that USA burgherstrapping造句
1、He was a bricklayer – a big, strappingfascia造句
1、A fascia board can be built to introduexulting造句
1、He leaned back, exulting at the successellout造句
1、How come you never took some sellout efrigate造句
1、BUSHAN-RE: The CLEE-SAN? A frigate clamanners造句
1、The sweetness of her manners made everfes造句
1、Sign off logistics agreement with suppdiminution造句
1、The melting glaciers hide the diminutiforefather造句
1、In spite of all these problems we willblow down造句
1、The wind blow down trees, tree blockinrejoin造句
1、Its biological role is to cleave and ralign造句
1、Align human resource policies with itdaffy造句
1、Kelly was acting daffy because she wasanalytic method造句
1、The analytic method is according to Machives造句
1、Chives give off a delicate oniony scenunsuitably造句
1、A name wrongly or unsuitably applied ttune造句
1、to saw a tune on a fiddle用提琴拉出一个音调2、Sediesel fuel造句
1、The poor lubricity of low sulfur diese