1、Updating all of our 100 + AIX systems, before migrating, was a sizeable task.
2、This extremely flexible tool has the ability to record over 200 Domino and AIX level statistics.
这个工具非常灵活,它能够记录超过 200条 Domino和AIX级别的统计数据。
3、From this point, it is a normal AIX installation.
4、Paul Cezanne was born in Aix en Provence on January 19th, 1839.
5、AIX optimizations for logical partitioning.
6、Installs the /usr/ccs/lib/libsecldapaudit, an AIX audit plug-in for the LDAP server.
安装 /usr/ccs/lib/libsecldapaudit,这是用于LDAP服务器的AIX审核插件。
7、Configure and enable the Kerberos authentication in Telnet, FTP, and r-commands on AIX v6.
8、We will migrate a system from AIX 5.3 to AIX 6.1.
我们将把一个系统从aix 5.3迁移到AIX 6.1。
9、The best markets in Provence are the Thursday market in Aix and the Saturday market in Aurel.
10、Creating a print queue in AIX via command line is extremely easy.
11、This file can be edited using a text editor in AIX or using the SWAT interface.
12、AIX toolkit: OpenSSH is now part of the standard AIX toolkit.
13、TL is a set of fixes, and new features added to an AIX version or new hardware support.
14、This article describes a performance analysis on the AIX platform.
15、Starting with AIX 5.4 ML3, AIX introduced virtual processor folding.
从aix 5.4ML3开始,AIX引入了虚拟处理器合并。
16、Prior to AIX V5.3 release, PAM module is provided as LAM module for handling native applications.
17、You are now ready to install the AIX operating system into your logical partition.
18、If the file is closed, the AIX kernel continues to cache the file data in memory.
19、AIX 7 will allow for you to run AIX 5.2 workload partitions.
AIX7允许运行AIX 5.2工作负载分区。
20、BULL offers are large repositories of open source tools that support the gamut of AIX releases.
21、Implement two-factor authentication for AIX using kerberos.
22、In AIX 5l Version 5.3, the upper bound can be a multiple of the stripe width.
在AIX5lVersion 5.3中,该上限可以为stripe宽度的倍数。
23、The default allocation policy in AIX is also called Yorktown policy.
24、While this feature was introduced in AIX Version 5.2, not Version 5.3, it is worth noting here.
尽管这个特性是在AIXVersion 5.2而不是 Version 5.3 中引入的,但是仍然值得在这里进行说明。
25、Creates the AIX tree DN under which AIX user and group is stored.
26、Time to drill down further using more specific AIX tools.
27、Using multibos means you can do your AIX patching ahead of an outage window.
28、The Framework of E-Business on AIX Platform
29、Current AIX 5.2 and AIX 5.1 system identification commands.
目前的AIX 5.2和AIX 5.1系统标识命令。
30、Similarly, AIX provides PAM for authentication.
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