1、The prosody of beowulf is based on alliteration not end rhymes.
2、It seems to me that in prose alliteration should be used only for a special reason.
3、Alliteration comes from repeating the initial constant sounds of close or adjoining words.
4、We chose alliteration on the theory a little vulgarity enhances memory.
5、The Art of Alliteration and Assonance in Du Fu’s Poems
6、It 'seems to me that in prose alliteration should be used only for a special reason.
7、To use alliteration in speech or writing.
n. 头韵【医】 同音韵错误症 详情0
1、They have a stand - a small slightly elinchpin造句
1、The linchpin of this entire policy isat any moment造句
1、This swap file can adjust file contentmaximum load造句
1、For example, a four-CPU system would hconfiguration management造句
1、We actually extended this configuratiobig five造句
1、The annual loss is the largest reporteimperial system造句
1、I did not know if they used the metricrenegotiation造句
1、Fees for appeal shall be subject to revulture造句
1、A vulture feeds on carrion美洲鹫以动物的腐肉为食物incubation造句
1、The incubation period is usually 3 toduel造句
1、Each and every apartment also boasts dpanther造句
1、They were prepared to fight the fierceflashpoint造句
1、The immediate flashpoint was Wednesdaycontouring造句
1、Contouring nozzles to reduce particleterra-cotta造句
1、Architechtural terra-cotta of the Qintailor-make造句
1、So this is a great opportunity to tailflight control造句
1、automatic flight control system of airin step造句
1、He is always in step with me.我和他总是合作很好MCH造句
1、System of MCH Administrative Informatiwalrus造句
1、Walrus need either ice or land to rest