1、Group Similar tasks Back-to-Back - Switching gears between different types of tasks can be tough.
2、Research on the AC Drive System with the Back-to-Back Converter
3、Back-to-back letter of credit
4、Back-to-back monthly declines in CPI may be a warning signal that deflation is gaining a toehold.
5、The HKMC launched a back-to-back MBS Programme in October 1999
6、Mr Harper points out that Canada is holding back-to-back summits—doubling the cost, he says.
7、The HKMC launched a back-to-back MBS Programme in October 1999.
8、Intervals may execute back-to-back with no delay if they take long enough to execute.
a. 紧接的, 背靠着背的 详情猜你喜欢
oil can造句
1、Conclusion: Garlic essential oil can pbended造句
1、She craved for her husband’s life on hbarge造句
1、I hated to barge in without an invitatunprepossessing造句
1、Thought unprepossessing to look at hegreatcoat造句
1、He said opening his greatcoat which heblue chip造句
1、An airfield is a blue chip in the struworn-out造句
1、Glasses bazoo holds worn-out nose in trunaway造句
1、Log in to the LPARs and search for runeuphemistic造句
1、Euphemistic motion, ever-changing flowbilliard造句
1、The molecules bounce off each other linecromancer造句
1、With this ritual, the necromancer revifactitious造句
1、Speculators responsible for the factitwalk-through造句
1、Research and Implement of a Virtual Lisquare造句
1、He’s dealt fair and square with us.他公正caw造句
1、Only one caw cow at a time can enter arationale造句
1、“I am defeated by the rationale of it,sweatshirt造句
1、I bought a sweatshirt at your store yevideocassette造句
1、Before the videocassette recorder therbe available to造句
1、Elementary education should be availabfumble造句
1、You fumble to find your passport when