1、Please ebe aware that the photo taken along with biometrics will be printed on the visa vignette.
2、Please be aware that the photo taken along with biometrics will be printed on the visa vignette.
3、Gait recognition is a new biometrics recognition technology, which will be applied extensively.
4、Biometrics Personal Identification Based on Dada Fusion
5、Another problem that biometrics vendors often overlook is the security of the input mechanism.
6、So, if Apple adopted biometrics in its iPhone, it could be awesome.
7、So far, voice biometrics implementations have been small scale, says Mr Cramoyson.
8、And in some cases biometrics can enhance both security and convenience, says Mr Harris.
9、In this paper an application of biometrics on palmprint diagnosis was introduced.
10、Biometrics are no longer found only in nuclear power plants.
11、Research of ear recognition technology creates a new way in the field of biometrics recognition.
n. 生物统计学【医】 生物统计学, 寿命预测(平均余命算定) 详情猜你喜欢
under the charge of造句
1、These patients are under the charge offailure造句
1、If that sounds delusional, so does thematerialize造句
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1、Then work up to a co-worker and/or youprotoplasm造句
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1、The latest scientific discoveries castreceiving end造句
1、Recently I've been on the receiving enpallet造句
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