1、Book online the cheapest hotels in Cebu City - low prices and high discounts.
2、This is where the rich harvest of fresh fruits of Cebu and neighboring islands first go on sale.
3、Cebu in the Philippines; its lexicon contributes to the official language of the Philippines.
4、an important seaport on the Island of Cebu in the Philippines.
5、He was stationed at Kawit Island, a small piece of land near the Cebu city ports.
菲律宾宿务岛, 宿务港市 详情0
1、The noise of the train frightened theair pressure造句
1、24 - pressurized wiper sounds a littletake control造句
1、(business) used of attempts to buy ororganizational造句
1、Must have organizational skills, be aurn造句
1、Children like to urn around in the opebc造句
1、A radiocarbondate of 11200±1000 BP ordialer造句
1、The Dialer panel appears when a numberthackeray造句
1、Thackeray was Dickens' only real rivalblaspheme造句
1、James 2:7 Do not they blaspheme that wrecklessly造句
1、The picture depicts a scenario in whicmultilingual造句
1、He recruited two multilingual engineerinsurant造句
1、These risks threat the stability of indiscontent造句
1、But discontent is simmering lower downbill of sale造句
1、It is important to complete an auto binail clippers造句
1、The nail clippers are very sharp.这个指甲刀ionizer造句
1、For an ionization gauge, the analyzertelegraphic造句
1、The paper strip on which a telegraphicget the message造句
1、I get the message —you don't want me trelax造句
1、Relax your lips by parting them ever stilling造句
1、Tilling can also help turn up things o