conceptual framework造句
1、The Architecture Meta frame is a conceptual framework used throughout the guide.
2、They propose a conceptual framework for three decision capturing steps.
3、Comparison of Conceptual Framework between China and Korea
4、It should be noted that the conceptual framework for the ICPS is not yet a classification.
conceptual framework翻译
【计】 概念结构, 概念框架【经】 基本概念 详情0
1、a cravat with wide square ends; securecontribute造句
1、contribute a big sum of money捐献一笔巨款2、Sbehaviorism造句
1、In fact, behaviorism would outlaw theticket stub造句
1、I'd better hold on to my ticket stub isomatic cell造句
1、The effect of Zinc hydroxymethionine ostick out for造句
1、They shall stick out for every penny tvatican city造句
1、Vatican City was ranked most stable, frecline造句
1、recline on a sofa斜躺在沙发上2、Some guests rthriving造句
1、AS a country with an ageing and wealthsteric造句
1、Some influences of steric effect, reacbilinear造句
1、In order to speed up, a discrete bilinsynergic造句
1、Synergic development is the core of thexabyte造句
1、Online data is growing rapidly, and testacks造句
1、A concept at the core of Rexx is jugglimplore造句
1、Then calmly looks at you... I implore,raft foundation造句
1、The analysis of raft foundation is a pnoseband造句
1、He has a red noseband no big eyes likedecomposition造句
1、This decomposition may give another deguck造句
1、See! There's always guck hiding in theprivileged access造句
1、They rig the game in other ways, too,