1、He and actor people speak just as facing toward an honest courtier and speaking.
2、Next morning at sunrise the wise courtier was waiting for king at the door of palace bed chamber.
3、English courtier Sir Walter Raleigh made two trips to Guiana to search for El Dorado.
4、The courtier obeyed the king's orders in a complaisant manner.
5、He remained, at heart, a courtier and a cynic.
n. 侍臣, 奉承者 详情0
1、Fortitude : Increases resistance agaicade造句
1、She brought writers such as Angela Davkhaki造句
1、He grew up on a farm in New Zealand, windustrial system造句
1、According to CK Prahalad, The industrired deer造句
1、China red deer may have originated inkooky造句
1、She's been mocked for her kooky ways.她doleful造句
1、the doleful cries of lost sheep迷途绵羊的哀鸣mucous造句
1、D: The mucous membrane of your nose aphooch造句
1、Paul: They're got swell hooch here. Thtoast造句
1、Two toast bread and a cup of coffee.两个avuncular造句
1、Only his facial twitches and the ghostcandidiasis造句
1、Most mycotic infections were candidiasvs造句
1、Cultural Characteristics of Address Fospoonful造句
1、No one to my spoonful of warm, can onlaccelerant造句
1、Experimental Research on Powdery Acceloriginating造句
1、Located, functioning, or originating fimpact造句
1、It will have no negative impact on woror something造句
1、My gums bleed whenever I bite into ancutting-edge造句
1、The resultant sound is somehow both cuab造句
1、Let AB be perpendicular to CD.设 AB 垂直于