crank up造句
1、May's warm weather caused Americans to crank up their air conditioners.
2、Crank up the clock cycles.
3、The manger wants us to crank up the production line.
4、Are nasty drafts forcing you to crank up the heat?
5、Will you please help me to crank up the engine?
6、It’s time to crank up the air conditioning.
7、Just crank up your hearing aid a peg or two.
把 * 调高一两个刻度就可以。
1、In addition, a backrest is also arraninstant造句
1、Your headline might end up in an RSS fDDD造句
1、The reply from "moffdub" is that SOAloggerhead造句
1、The loggerhead shrike, a small grey, bblasting造句
1、Three miles away there was a salvo ofrecalculate造句
1、Limit the use of Recalculate choicelisnapping造句
1、The nuclear-power generator knows thatdecry造句
1、He is impatient with those who decry tmastering造句
1、After years of mastering everything I'crash helmet造句
1、A man in a crash helmet was mounting aclosely linked to造句
1、Iron ore is now sold on quarterly contwithout question造句
1、Embrace her without question and watchsyndrome造句
1、Study on die Genetics of Basal Cell Nesecurity policies造句
1、Access control. Enables the system todark-green造句
1、lettuce with long dark-green leaves ininebriate造句
1、Inebriate of air am I.自然的气息让我迷醉痴狂。2、Latigers造句
1、Both the tigers were later tranquilizerisk of breakage造句
1、For this consignment, we shall cover Wincurably造句
1、For father and myself she was incurablepizootic造句
1、Animal immunization must be implemente