1、Varroa mite is one of the most harmful vermin that disserve the beekeeping in the worldwide.
2、The scale of the landslide-debris flow was small, but the disserve was grievous.
3、But for you, I will borrow some hands, because you disserve four thumbs up!
4、Serve, do not disserve the people.
vt. 给...帮倒忙, 危害 详情0
tie in造句
1、Baby was so free from every tie in thecomputer scientist造句
1、So was Andrew Witkin, a senior computecaroling造句
1、The children are caroling happily.孩子们在rill造句
1、There is a spare toilet rill in the baactuating device造句
1、The actuating device and the tensioninmoodily造句
1、He sat and stared moodily out the windteratogenicity造句
1、Study of genotoxicity and teratogeniciholidays造句
1、I’ve decided for having my holidays laISDN造句
1、However, ISDN did not prove to be a blsubway train造句
1、I can take a subway train directly.就可以brainwashed造句
1、Brainwashed of what they see happeningtransport造句
1、The diverter directs documents alongheterozygous造句
1、Both heterozygous Cx43 KO and CMV43~CTby contract造句
1、Something pledged, especially an engagnih造句
1、Objective To observe the growth and fesierra leone造句
1、Sierra Leone and Burundi have been desinnervate造句
1、Some parasympathetic fibers innervatebumf造句
1、Brush buttocks with bumf before, how dserrate造句
1、European perennial whose serrate leavealtitude造句
1、We are flying at an altitude of 6 000