1、Duplicity or deceit; treachery.
2、We are very good at duplicity and hope each other can be perceived.
3、His duplicity caused us to distrust him.
4、Malcolm believed he was guilty of duplicity in his private dealings.
n. 口是心非, 不诚实, 表里不一【医】 并胚, 双畸胎, 联胎 详情0
pilot ladder造句
1、Put on lights at pilot ladder positionrumble造句
1、Slapper: We got a rumble on our hands.innate造句
1、Complement is an important component oreportable造句
1、The reportable value is the end resultbankable造句
1、Stone is usually on the money — and Gegadgetry造句
1、Their approach to gadgetry is to develoutcast造句
1、The gull who speaks to an Outcast is hperformance requirement造句
1、Battle features and performance requirgroping造句
1、We are groping after the mystery of thbushel造句
1、A handful of patience is worth more thliving standards造句
1、raise the living standards of the peopharbor造句
1、A ship in harbor is safe, but that isorientation造句
1、This paper presents a new solution ofill-timed造句
1、The ill-timed revelation not only stalset up造句
1、They set up home in the woods.他俩在林子里建了vision system造句
1、An Active Night Vision System Based oninconsequent造句
1、The quite inconsequent fellow was manatsp造句
1、In this paper a geometrical algorithmswoosh造句
1、Each time you press instruction key, ycottontail造句
1、Cottontail had married a black rabbit,