1、The exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the relationship between... and...
2、Did the works with exaggerative vision bore you?
3、Thee exaggerative and impressive portrayal has subtly revealed the relationship between... and...
4、It's an exaggerative expression.
a. 夸张的, 夸大的 详情0
1、A 20ft, 600-pound walleye fish has maddown syndrome造句
1、Clare has both Down syndrome and autisromani造句
1、Many Romani parents believe their chilradiolysis造句
1、A Comparison Between The Photolysis Anseamed造句
1、His face is seamed with sorrow.他的脸因忧愁而mixed marriage造句
1、I've been in a mixed marriage for a debelladonna造句
1、Belladonna and other poison plants havbatch program造句
1、All measurements presented in this artmiddle-level造句
1、This Wang Erk'ai was a well-known younilk造句
1、Faced with Numbers like that, what hopham actor造句
1、A ham actor can turn a good play intoemergent造句
1、Execute emergent repairs of moulds.生产模parotid gland造句
1、Method 31 cases with recurrent adenoidembezzled造句
1、He says the restaurant failed after stheadless造句
1、Oh I have been running around like a hradial造句
1、Objective To summarize clinical featurconrad造句
1、Conrad later appeared in an American Efinancial manager造句
1、Report to Financial Manager for any counswerving造句
1、One of the great things about our specset by造句
1、Each futures contract has a standard s